angielsko » niemiecki

Tłumaczenia dla hasła „start back“ w angielsko » niemiecki słowniku

(Przełącz na niemiecko » angielski)

Przykłady ze Słownika PONS (zredagowane i sprawdzone)

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

The cucumber does not eat through the colder seasons and will start back up again in the spring.
How do you start back in that arena?
Once the car stopped, the transmission would start back in 2nd and not 1st, until the system was upshifted to 4th.
In 1999, the program cease to exist and didn't start back up until 2004 by a handful of students.
If they wipeout, they have to start back at the beginning.
When we did start back again, it took a while before it felt like we were playing as a proper orchestra.
I was ready to get to camp, ready to start back working out and looking forward to this new season.
Suddenly, with only minutes left on the clock, the waves die down and all the surfers can only loiter, waiting for the waves to start back up.
When time runs out, the player has the option to start back at the mission select page at the current mission.
The race committee pushed the start back several times hoping that the wind would turn enough to allow racing.

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