angielsko » arabski

in turn PRZYSŁ.

direction to which Moslems turn in prayer (toward the Ka`bah)

revolve or turn over in one's mind CZ.

turn away the face in disdain CZ.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

The honey badger can literally turn in its own skin.
There should be a high level of familiarity with competitors and customers that can turn in to lead generation and eventually lead management.
This turn in the effect of hybridity makes the presence of colonist authority no longer immediately visible.
He encouraged members to keep tabs on one another and turn in rule-breakers.
The use of social media can at times turn in to a giant game of Chinese whispers.
The skier is then taught how hop turn in order to understand arm and leg coordination while on skis.
The target will turn in the opposite direction, in front of the pursuer, and will spin out.
Next in the differentiation sequence is the pro-myelocyte, this one will have ability to turn in one of the three different precursor cells, the neutrophilic, basophilic or eosinophilic myelocyte.
An auction is held each turn in which players can purchase treachery cards.
It is almost with an obsession and devilish attitude that he enjoys every twist and turn in the plot of the play.

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