angielsko » arabski

thumb <a thumb; thumbs> RZ.

thumb ANAT.
thumb ANAT.

thumb RZ. INF.

thumb control RZ. INF.

thumb index

thumb keyboard RZ. INF.

thumb latch STOL.

thumb wheel PRZEM.

thumb wheel

Tom Thumb RZ.

Rule of thumb PRZEM.

rules of thumb PUBL.

Przykładowe zdania ze słowem thumb

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

For ease of orientation, the thumbnail can be considered as resting in the thumb's frontal plane.
By making a chamber in the hands and blow air between your thumbs into the hands, you will get a sound.
There was no corresponding thumb print and the only indication was that the bag had been ripped prior to the finger mark being made.
The mountain is extremely rugged and one author describes it as a rock thumb with near-vertical to overhanging faces on three sides.
One objection was that voters were only marked by ink on the thumb, which came off rapidly, making electoral fraud easy.
The forefinger was pressed on the nail of the thumb to strengthen the pull without increasing the exertion.
The most prominent anatomical feature of this bat, separating it from other bats, is the presence of disks on its thumbs and hind feet.
He must learn to think up plausible reasons for the actions of the organization and not let the purely political motive stick out like a sore thumb.
Then the index finger, middle finger and (in some styles) ring finger bend down and squeeze the string against the thumb groove.
When a sample was taken of the thumb bruise and examined for bruising, the result was negative.

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