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rot <a rot; rots> CZ. BIOL.

rot PRZYM.

rot RZ.

rot BIOL.
rot BIOL.
rot BIOL.

dry rot

link rot INF.

wet rot BOT.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

A black rot originates opposite the stem area of the plant fruit (the blossom-end) and spreads over the fruit as a dark, hardened area.
White mycelia appear at the base of the bulb, spreading over its surface and causing it to rot.
In addition to relatively high strength, teak is also highly resistant to rot, fungi and mildew.
It causes a white rot of hardwoods and conifers.
Red rot is caused by prolonged storage or exposure to high relative humidity, environmental pollution, and high temperature.
It is a common type of brown rot fungi, which lives mostly anywhere but is prevalent in coniferous forests.
Much like black rot, bunch rot overwinters in the berries and infects the next season's crop through spore ejections in the summer.
Heart rot is prevalent throughout the world affecting all hardwood trees and can be very difficult to prevent.
These are saprobic, and cause white rots of standing and fallen wood of coniferous and broadleaved trees.
The black rot fungus requires warm weather for optimal growth; cool weather slows its growth.

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