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Czech Republic

democratic republic POLIT.

Dominican Republic

parliamentary republic POLIT.

people's republic POLIT.

republic decree POLIT.

Second Republic (the government of France from 1848 to 1852 )

Central African Republic

German Democratic Republic (East Germany )

German Federal Republic (West Germany )

Islamic Republic Of Iran

Republic Of Korea

The Democratic Republic Of Congo

his eminence the mufti of the republic REL.

Przykładowe zdania ze słowem republic

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

It is located in the northeast of the republic.
It is located in the central and southern parts of the republic.
It is located in the north of the republic.
A fourth republic was later established in 1999 and military rule ended.
Forms of government include various kingdoms, republics, theocracies, and tribal governments.
It is located in the south of the republic.
It is the smallest state of the republic, accounting for only 0.2% of the countrys territory.

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