angielsko » arabski

configurations <configuration; configurations> RZ.


Post Rule Configurations RZ. INF.

configuration GEOG.

configuration RZ.

accessing configuration PRZEM.

assigned configuration RZ. INF.

Automatic configuration RZ. INF.

build configuration RZ. INF.

cloned configuration RZ. INF.

configuration baseline INF.

configuration control GOSP.

configuration database RZ. INF.

Configuration Export RZ. INF.

configuration file RZ. INF.

configuration identification INF.

configuration management INF.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

Heavy equipment including jumbos, various air or electric scoop trams in 2to8yd m configurations, rockbolt jumbos, giraffes, shotcrete machines, hyabs, mancarriers, dozers, graders, and jeeps were used.
Quantum mechanics constrains electronic distinguishable configurations by the tunneling effect at tera-scale.
The brass pads could be arranged in one of two possible configurations by the user.
Variants of this bass include a 5-string model, and several different pickup configurations.
In both configurations they served as an artist advocacy, curatorial resource and databank.
Local tradition during the day allows for boat-to-boat water fights so be prepared for water balloons and sprayers of various configurations.
Solar cell phone chargers come in different shapes and configurations including folding and rotating types.
In general, pushdown automata may have several computations on a given input string, some of which may be halting in accepting configurations.
These configurations range from short carbine-length models with features such as adjustable length stocks and optical sights, to heavy barrel models.
Primarily, three common configurations use the counterrotating effect on rotorcraft.

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